The big question for the client is," Are you ready to strategically institute process improvement?" The following list of topics and related questions helps determine strategic process readiness 对于客户的一个大问题是,“您准备好战略地实行过程改进了吗?”
Now you're ready to work through the tasks on your to-do list. 现在您已经可以开始按照您的任务列表计划执行任务了。
And, when you're ready to upgrade your production box, you'll have a careful list of steps to perform& reducing precious downtime. 而且,当您准备对您的生产机器进行升级时,您已经有了要执行的步骤的一个详细列表&从而可以缩短高代价的停机时间。
With the new enterprise architecture ready for launch, build a checklist of core systems, and list those backup systems that require testing. 在新的企业架构已经为启动准备就绪的情况下,建立一个核心系统的检查清单,并列出那些需要测试的备份系统。
At this point, you have created a model that is already configured and ready to generate the code of a fully functional widget displaying the list of podcasts from developerWorks. 至此,您已经创建了一个配置好的模型,并且可以使用它为显示developerWorkspodcast列表的全功能小部件生成代码了。
Have tax and income documents ready, as well as a list of your expenses and a copy of your credit report. 准备好税收和收入的文件证明,以及开销清单和一份信用报告。
The Singapore Exchange, anticipating wider use of the Chinese currency in the city-state, has said it stands ready to list, trade, clear and settle securities denominated in Renminbi. 新加坡交易所(singaporeexchange)已预见到人民币在该国的使用范围将会扩大,并表示已做好了人民币计价证券的上市、交易、清算和结算的准备。
Once this setup code is ready, we retrieve the field representing the talks, and we check that the generic type information is correct: yes, talks is a List, but a List of Talks. 当初始化代码就绪后,我们取得代表talks的成员变量,然后检查泛型信息是否正确:正确!talks是一个List,但是它是一个Talk的List。
Not all schools are ready to outsource their tech dirty work, with privacy and security topping the list of concerns. 但是并不是所有的学校都打算将自己的技术工作外包,隐私和安全问题是他们最为关心的。
This paper presents an improved task scheduling method by extending the Ready List structure of μ C/ OS-ⅱ to eliminate the restriction mentioned above. 本文通过扩展μC/OS-Ⅱ的就绪表结构提出了一个改进了的任务调度方法以消除以上限制。
Due to its unique Ready List structure, μ C/ OS-ⅱ behaves efficiently in task scheduling. 由于其独特的就绪表结构,μC/OS-Ⅱ在任务调度方面表现出极高的效率。